Hi there
I'm Hanna, a designer with a focus on UX/UI, web, and product design, and a background in marketing and branding. This website is a collection of my latest projects, both professional and personal. I aim to explore how ideas and concepts can be brought to life in a visually captivating manner while moulding the world into a more efficient and delightful place.
Recent projects
Reimagining time perception with custom clock face designs
Daily, we are surrounded by clocks of all shapes and sizes, digital and analogue. The established conventions for displaying time on clock faces have emerged and developed over many centuries. The modern clock face design has become so deeply embedded in our culture that it is often taken for granted. We rarely consider that the well-known clock dial could be modified. Yet, it would be fascinating to explore whether changing the familiar patterns by customising analogue clock faces and creating contextual designs could enhance our daily life experiences, helping us perceive time differently and tailor it to our immediate needs.
Let's talk
Send a note here or message me on social media.